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Une retraite transformatrice et inoubliable

May 10, 2024

Une expérience hors du commun et hors du temps ❤️

Julie et Tim ont créé une expérience riche en connaissances et en pratique pour partir à la découverte de votre subconscient pour transformer votre vie.

Sans compter le bien être physique et mental qui nous accompagne tout au long de cette semaine, et les magnifiques personnes que vous allez rencontrer, c est une semaine que je n’oublierai jamais.

Je ne peux que recommander de vous offrir cette expérience inoubliable !


A beautiful, healing week that brought me back to life again

May 8, 2024

Well what can I say. Thank you Julie and Tim and the Envol team from the bottom of my heart. I returned from the trip in France feeling so much more confident in my healing journey and also in repairing the relationship with myself. I lost basically all of my hope when I got sick from anti biotics, and this trip gave me the knowledge and the missing key I needed to help me find the light again. I cannot recommend enough ❤️


Transformational journey!

May 6, 2024

I highly, highly recommend this retreat to everyone searching for a transformational healing journey! It has been a game changer for me- challenging myself in many ways and altering my old beliefs and behavior. Providing me with keys to unlock my inner healing power! Julie has an amazing understanding of health and healing- and during this retreat she shares the secrets of how to take control of your own healing journey and become a master of your own mind. She does it with a genuine, loving, gentle and playful approach💖

After this week, I feel empowered with strengt, ability and positive outloook on life. My self-esteem is strengthened after in-depth inner work, theoretical learning, and experience-based activities and meditations we undertook during the week. So much love is spread from, and to, participants at the retreat!

Julie, together with the envol-team, are excellent provider of knowledge, insights, and positive health-creating experiences that will keep vibrating even after coming home.

After years of chronic illness, I am now taking a big step towards health. For this, I will be forever grateful!

With love, Emma

Emma Djurberg

Everything I hoped and so much more!

May 6, 2024

I was SO excited to go on the Envol retreat and it did not disappoint!! I’ve been trying to get into a regular habit of meditation and rewiring my nervous system to feel safety after medical incidents over the last few years. It’s harder when you’re home and in the same old environment, so I decided to take the plunge and book the Envol retreat. Not only was it a wonderful week for learning more about meditation, subconscious beliefs, learning about healthy habits, but the added boost of community from Julie, Tim, Kayleigh and all the participants was so lovely. Receiving support and giving support in a community of people who value the same things and have similar goals was amazing. I know I’ve made lifelong connections with the other retreat participants and I’m so grateful for that.

Otherwise, I could go on and on about the lovely atmosphere, the spa, the gîte and its lovely owner Martine. I also loved the childlike joy Julie and Tim built into the week which is something we rarely get to experience as adults.

If you’re thinking of taking the plunge and signing up, just do it! You will not be disappointed and I guarantee you will take away things from the retreat that you never even expected!

The thing that pushed me over the edge to decide to go was talking to a past retreat participant, so if you need any convincing, ask Julie for my contact info and I can include any other info you need! 🙂

Lily Wheeler

un beau cadeau

December 11, 2023

J’ai énormément apprécié cette retraite dans un cadre nature, c’était une belle pause ressourçante, je me suis sentie accueillie et chaleureusement accompagnée. Et j’ai adoré les surprises !!!Cette semaine m’a permise de mettre en route de bonnes habitudes pour méditer quotidiennement. J’ai vécu des moments magiques pendant ces moments inspirants… des remises en question m’ont permis de mettre le bon cap, les méditations avec une intention personnalisée sont réellement transformatrices… j’ai d’ailleurs pu le vérifier après un épisode de stress intense, 3 mois après la retraite. J’ai une immense gratitude envers Julie, Tim et Mathilde, une équipe aussi pétillante que bienveillante !


Best trip of my life

December 10, 2023

I have been dealing with a lot of mental and physical health issues for about a decade. Then, about 6 months before I went to the retreat I started experiencing and got diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I had really bad sleep, very weak physical state (after being extremely athletic for years!) And really hopeless mind. I was afraid that I will not be able to sleep in the shared room. I also was concerned that I will have to communicate with other people – I thought that I want to be alone. I believed that I only can rest by staying in bed and being alone and that communication is extremely taxing and unpleasant to me. I expected to attend events and sleep during the day, keeping interactions with people to the minimum.

I have never been this wrong in my life! First of all, I slept like a baby for the first time in years. But the most important thing I learned about myself is how much I needed human connection. I have met the most incredible people and built the most valuable relationships. For the first time in my life I felt accepted and supported and cared for. This ability to establish connection and the understanding of how healing it is the most precious lesson I learned.

I have almost completely given up my day sleep in favour of spending time with others. I felt healthier and stronger every day, and I had a feeling that I am finally doing all the right things to get better. It was like opening the door that has that very path of finding yourself.

Julie, Tim and Eulalie put theirs souls into making this retreat. The venue, the activities, the food – there was nothing accidental and everything was just perfect.

I felt truly happy there and for the first time in my life I started experiencing that things can chnage and can be better.

It’s now been a few months since I have returned home and I constantly rely on what I learned at the retreat to get through my daily challenges. I can feel that this trip has changed me in a beautiful and powerful way.


1000% worth it

November 16, 2023

The Envol retreat was a life-changing, unforgettable week in the best way possible. I chose to book because I had felt isolated and mentally stuck for over a year and Julie was the one person I followed on social media who radiated so much joy and light. I thought to myself that if I could gain any little piece of what Julie has the retreat will be worth it! And it 1000% was.

The external environment created for us was so supportive. Sunshine, beautiful nature, unlimited access to grounding, nourishing food, sauna… Despite the jet lag I felt mentally and physically better than I have in years! I was able to relax and be fully present with a child-like joy.

The whole week was incredible but for me the best part was the people. I’ve never before been surrounded by so many amazing like-minded people and felt so supported, seen, and loved. I was able to open up deeper with the group than I ever have with my family or friends back home. Each person there inspired me, taught me something, and blew me away with their resilience and positivity.

Writing this review a little over a month after returning home, I can say that what I learned about brain rewiring and the immense power we each hold to heal ourselves has really stuck with me. I had some knowledge before attending the retreat but this experience really unlocked a deeper understanding. I feel that I have a new awareness and perspective on life that I will always keep with me! Thank you Julie, Tim, and Eulalie for creating this beautiful, magic week that I will treasure forever ✨💛


Just book it!

November 12, 2023

Well – I‘ve been to a lot of retreats in my life but nothing comes close to the new family which awaited me at the Envol retreat. The venue is absolutely stunning in the middle of beautiful nowhere and the input I got was a beautiful mixture of information, practice aka the meditations, the connection to the other participants and the relaxation I needed. Julie and Tim are such an inspiration and absolute heartwarming people.

Thanks so much! Just love 🙂


Une expérience inoubliable.

November 7, 2023

C’est un cadeau surprise qui m’a été offert par ma chère épouse. Cette première semaine d’Envol, c’est du pur bonheur. C’est une retraite inoubliable passée en compagnie de personnes exceptionnelles. L’équipe, l’endroit, l’organisation, la nourriture, tout a été sublime et enrichissant. Je recommande vivement ce séjour, à consommer sans modération.

Avec toutes mes amitiés

Ghazi DOUS

The best present I ever gave myself !

October 31, 2023

I hesitated long before subscribing to this retreat as I am still dealing with lots of symptoms after being floxed. My sleep was really chaotic and I was afraid that travelling plus sharing my room with other people would make the thing worse. I am so glad I was brave enough to subscribe! It’s actually the best gift I ever gave myself! The place is the best where to land after travelling, amazingly energizing and supportive for a good quality sleep. Not to mention the incredible host Martine who makes you feel at home straight away!

During this week I was very surprised of how much I could do while still respecting my needs. The planning and the flexibility in the activities a 100% met my needs. I’ve learned a lot through the powerful tools Julie shared with us. We did deep internal work rewiring our subconscious mind. Thank you Julie for being so spot on and helping me break my inner shackles! The whole Envol Team was so committed and focused in helping the attendants break through plus have a great time. We did serious job and laughed so much as well!

I’ve been an avid meditator for the last 13 years, I did retreats in the past either on my own or in groups, but the very special aspect for me of this retreat was to be surrounded by caring, supportive people, and there was no other way for me to eventually realize some of my uncouscious programs. So thank you ALL from the bottom of my heart for offering me this safe place to reflect on myself and giving me the opportunity to bring thing to my awareness I couldn’t on my own. The last 2 meditations were like 3 years of therapy in 2 hours! My brain buzzed rewiring and I just slept K.O. afterward to integrate. I witness, healing can happen very quick!

It’s been a month I’m back home, I feel optimistic and self-confident about my recovery.

I highly recommend this experience to anybody whether dealing with health condition or not who would like to enjoy life at its fullest!

I think this Retreat could be renamed Treat as every day was such a blessing!! If there is a 2.0 version, I’ll definitely join the re-Treat 😛

Thank you for this condense of health and joy!



5 étoiles ne suffisent pas

October 29, 2023

5 étoiles ne suffisent pas pour noter cette incroyable semaine de retraite. D’abord l’on voit ce gîte magnifiquement restauré, niché dans les collines aveyronnaises. Puis le rayonnement de Julie, Tim et Mathilde, qui nous accueillent chaleureusement, avec une joie non feinte, une ouverture naturelle et communicative. La découverte ensuite des autres participant-e-s (nous étions une quinzaine en tout) : des liens se tissent, grâce à la magie de l’endroit, la progression des apprentissages, la sincérité que chacun veut bien partager. Chaque jour j’ai (un peu) pleuré, beaucoup ri, partagé lors de divers ateliers des moments émouvants avec les autres, des expériences fortes lors de méditations (alors que je suis débutante dans le domaine). J’ai acquis des connaissances tellement intéressantes sur les capacités de notre organisme à se régénérer, à se reprogrammer, à ouvrir – par diverses techniques – le champ des possibles, en vue de continuer notre chemin en améliorant notre santé physique, mentale, spirituelle. Gratitude à vous tous et toutes pour cette semaine inoubliable, qui m’a apporté beaucoup de force, de joie et de courage🙏. 5 étoiles ne suffisent vraiment pas.


Plus aucun doute…

October 28, 2023

Chaque seconde de cette merveilleuse retraite est encore présente dans mon esprit tant celle-ci était puissante. Je ne m’attendais pas un à un tel niveau. J’ai vécu une semaine inoubliable, connectée à toutes ces belles âmes présentes sur ce site incroyable en Aveyron. Une semaine hors du temps, rythmées par les méditations et voyages sonores 3D tout droit sortis de l’application Envol, créée par ces mêmes organisateurs, Julie et Tim. Les conférences étaient dynamiques et très instructives. Julie est une intervenante pétillante qui sait captiver son auditoire et propose des pistes de réflexion avec beaucoup de psychologie. Tout ceci sous forme de jeux et d’ateliers pour nous amener à un travail d’introspection lors des méditations. Grace à ce travail, j’ai pu ainsi redéfinir une nouvelle trajectoire de vie en adéquation avec mes envies et mes vrais besoins ainsi que reconnaître et transformer les croyances erronées, encrées dans notre subconscient qui nous empêchent d’être nous-même. Les autres activités facultatives de l’après-midi étaient toutes aussi actives et ludiques, animées par Mathilde et Tim, les deux autres membres de ce trio incroyable. Je n’oublie pas bien sûr, Martine, la propriétaire des lieux, une douce personne très attachante et Camille, le cuisinier qui nous a concocté de biens jolis plats végans, colorés, tendres et savoureux.

Alors, plus aucun doute, cette retraite m’a apaisée et guidée vers le chemin du possible…

Merci Julie, Mathilde et Tim…avec toute ma gratitude.



Une expérience à vivre

October 27, 2023

Il m’est difficile de mettre des mots sur ce que j’ai vécu pendant cette retraite.

Pour moi cela fait partie des expériences qui se vivent plus qu’elles ne se racontent !! Une expérience tellement transformatrice, je suis repartie avec des clés pour guérir mes blessures et traumas. Julie est tellement inspirante, son parcours personnel rend la guérison concrète et possible, elle nous offre également les explications scientifiques qui vont avec, on repart avec tout ce qu’il faut pour transformer et être acteur de notre vie.

La semaine se passe dans un cadre idyllique en pleine nature, une bienveillance comme jamais vue auparavant lors de mes précédentes retraites, et des surprises et activités animées par une super équipe.

Merci à Julie, Tim et Mathilde pour cette semaine exceptionnelle 💫

Je ne peux que conseiller de s’offrir ce cadeau, vous ne le regretterez pas 🔥🙏🏻


Transformation and Hope

October 27, 2023

I can say with certainty that this was the most transformative week of my life. Before the retreat I was in a very dark place physically and mentally. The week with Julie, Tim, Mathilde and the other incredible participants changed me and gave me hope. My health and the deep certainty that I can heal took a huge leap that week. The organization was perfect. The retreat includes everything needed for healing: Meditation, healthy food, nature, games, community, relaxation. The love that the Envol team put into the organization can be felt in every detail. I thank Julie, Tim and Mathilde for their openness, authenticity and kindness from the bottom of my heart.


Un pas de plus vers la guérison

October 26, 2023

Les mots manqueraient pour décrire la puissance de ce que nous a fait vivre l’équipe Envol pendant cette semaine de retraite. 😌

Alors oui ça brasse émotionnellement mais qu’est-ce que c’est bon ! Ce n’est pas juste une retraite de méditation, c’est une retraite pour changer de vie, changer notre perception et attirer vers nous TOUT ce que l’on souhaite dans notre vie ! Impossible de douter de notre super-pouvoir après cette semaine 🙌

J’en suis personnellement ressortie plus convaincue que jamais de ma capacité à guérir, mais qu’il fallait juste un peu de patience et d’entraînement 🙏

Pour tous ceux qui souhaitent améliorer leur santé, ne cherchez pas plus loin, c’est le meilleur médicament dans lequel investir ❤️

Esther ✨


Un nouveau départ

October 25, 2023

Cette retraite ENVOL était magnifiquement bien organisée, elle m’a permis de m’accompagner vers un nouveau moi, un nouveau départ. Les cours de Julie sont très clairs, très accessibles, et très motivants. Les ateliers de Tim et Mathilde sont très complémentaires pour avoir un enseignement complets. Les méditations guidées en groupe sont 10x plus puissantes que si on les fait seul(e) chez soi.

Estelle Sovanna

Une puissance indescriptible !

October 21, 2023

Y a-t-il assez de mots pour décrire ce que j’ai vécu et ressenti au cours de cette première retraite d’Envol. Lieu enchanteur, accueil hyper chaleureux, nourriture bio au top, jus frais, eau dynamisée, massage, sauna, activités ludiques, mille attentions, petites et grandes au quotidien. Des tonnes d’informations aussi bien sûr, lors des conférences et des divers échanges.

Et les méditations, on en parle ? tellement fortes et profondes, qui font surgir du fond de nos tripes tout ce qui a souvent un mal fou à en sortir. Un profond travail sur soi qui nous amène à identifier, transformer nos blocages et en ressortir tellement plus fort.

Et puis, surtout surtout des émotions, des rires, des larmes, des sourires, des mots, de la bienveillance spontanée. Et tellement de nombreux partages avec des personnes extraordinaires.

Bref, quelle belle semaine, moi qui pensais que ce serait trop long une semaine, … mais tellement pas ! trop envie qu’elle dure encore et encore. J’avais envie d’embrasser le monde entier à l’issue de cette semaine, et surtout je me sens renforcée, et confiante en la vie. C’était pas gagné.

Merci à cette merveilleuse équipe d’Envol, Julie, Tim et Mathilde. Vous n’imaginez pas à quel point vous êtes fantastiques.


Une envolée incroyable

October 21, 2023

J’ai participé à la toute première semaine de retraite Envol et c’est le meilleur cadeau de l’année 2023 que je me suis offert! Quelle experience incroyable, prodigieuse et donc à jamais gravée dans mon coeur. Un sans faute : le lieu, le cadre, la nourriture et les boissons delicieuses, les conférences santé de Julie, biensûr les méditations/visualisations Envol, la détente et toute la légereté et les rires saupoudrés sur tout ça ! Soutenus et merveilleusement encadrés nous avons tous ré-invité la

Magie et ancré la confiance dans nos vies✨ Tout est possible ✨ Ma vie a litteralement changé depuis 💕 Merci Julie, Tim et Mathilde de tout mon coeur♥️


Love & Connection

October 20, 2023

Thank you for this incredible week with all of you. For me it is still indescribable what all happened there and which hidden parts one was allowed to discover. The connection to the other wonderful souls felt soooooo good. I felt well held and accepted by the whole Envol team. If there is a retreat 2.0 I will be there and look forward to more great moments to laugh, cry and grow together.

Thanks to all and your support. Thanks Julie, Tim and Eulalie from my deepest heart💕😘☀️



October 20, 2023

This whole week seemed like a dream to me. Beginning with the property that offers everything you can think of, from a beautiful surrounding, to a wonderful spa area, nice rooms and delicious nutrition dense meals. But this was nothing compared to what happened there during this week. Everyday was filled with powerful information, exercises and meditations, fun activities and so much compassion and love for each other and not to forget the many laughs we shared. Julie, Eulalia and Tim put so much effort into creating a healing space that will support and inspire people with or without dealing illness.

I have been on my healing journey from different chronic illness and health conditions since over two decades and tried many different things on that way, but this week was beyond everything I could have ever imagined. The key take away for me was that it was never my fault that I got sick and that my body did everything in order to protect me. I have been living in the past my whole life rehearsing old behaviours and beliefs that made me sick, but through the retreat I not only learned, but also experienced that I have to power to overcome my old programs and beliefs and become the person that I can dream off.

I’m beyond thankful that I have been able to attend this week and to meet all this wonderful people. It really felt like a family to me and it was the greatest gift to being surrounded by likeminded people. I can’t recommend this experience enough. Sending my deep thank not only to Julie & Eulalie & Tim, but everyone who made this week so special 💖
